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The Bound Series
Bound to the Rival CEO
Get ready for a steamy and forbidden romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
The Bound Series
Bound to the Bodyguard
He’s the man of her dreams. She’s the woman of his nightmares.
The Bound Series
Two Weeks to Surrender
He’s back, hotter than sin, and wants what he can’t have. Her.
About Hayson
Growing up in a family of scientists and engineers I was told firmly that my ‘day dreaming’ phase would end. Soon, I’d be entranced by the inner workings of the periodic table and spellbound by quantum physics. But I loved living in the lands I created. Oh, the creatures that stopped by were inconceivable! Frank the chain-smoking shark, Svetlana whose heart must always go on. Marcus the Viking who’d never stopped looking for his one true love.
Alas, it soon became apparent that I wasn’t going to win a Nobel prize for services to the atom.
I love Princess Bride, Naked and Afraid (where I’d never be a contestant), I sob through Undercover Boss, Secret Millionaire—any show where the little guy makes it. I’m a card-carrying member of the Buffalo Bills mafia. Showjumping and equestrian eventing are my crack. I like ironing, hate peas, and adore donkeys. I play a mean game of Scrabble (I think). I eat nothing with legs and believe wine goes with everything. I’m an expert at finding new and inventive ways to avoid exercise (my hair hurts). I live with the Fake Gordon Ramsay in California and hail from New Zealand (head toward Antarctica and when you hit Australia, hang a left).
Email Hayson at haysonmanning@gmail.com or use the button below.